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  • Writer's pictureBridget

Lowness & the Hope for Sunshine

The Canary from the oracle deck Bird Cards

"Yesterday was so positive and energizing. How can I continue that feeling and not let it just sink away?"

This was my question for today's card pull. And the answer was Canary. Canary is about sunshine, hope and balance. This card continues the uplifting energy of the Wren card from yesterday. Both talk about joyous outcomes. It felt like I was getting the same message: Have joy. Everything will workout and be good. When you internalize an idea like this it is quite powerful. Think: If everything in your life had the best possible outcome. If you truly believe this and take it in, as the Wren card says to, fear and stress just melt away. Believe everything will work out and worries disappear. It feels wonderful. It is hard to maintain that faith though. At least for me. I'm guessing for other people as well. But if I regularly try to get back into that space of believing, eventually that way of thinking will stick and become my natural state. This will attract the positive outcomes. Believing everything will be good creates that reality.

To Work On: Each day I will get into the space of believing everything will have the best outcomes. To help me do this I will visualize the yellow light of Canary in and around me.

"I ask the overlighting consciousness of the canary to allow its optimistic energy to put me back on the path to joy"

This card made me feel good but the next card left me feeling uneasy and unsure.

To accompany the Jean Haner prediction I would listen to later in the evening, I pulled a card for the coming year, 2020. I pulled the Shrike, "Shrike energy is harsh and formidable". My response to this line was to recoil a bit. The explanation uses words like "ruthlessness", "callous" and talks about anger. All words that turned me off. What does this mean for my coming year? Yesterday felt like such a breakthrough and I was hoping the following year would have similar themes. As I type this I realize that is what the Shrike card is about. Breaking through jams. Shrike energy helps to get things done and cut out what is preventing you from creating your highest good. It is a good thing. I just don't like anger and ruthlessness. Also what are the Christian symbols in the art supposed to mean? Because to me the cross and the crown of thorns is sacrifice. Does that fit? I wish there was more information on the cards' artwork (Like what type of stone is the Canary carrying?). I'll have to ponder this card more as the year progresses.

"I ask the overlighting consciousness of the shrike to be present as I align with my highest good to break through this situation"

My prediction was not what I was hoping for either (which makes sense). The Shrike card and my prediction left me feeling melancholy. Why are we sometimes affected so strongly and other times things just roll off of us? Why have I gone into this low & melancholy mood today? What thoughts or fears are below the surface that I have scratched? It also does not help that my husband is watching a violent movie behind me as I type. I've changed rooms. Since having my son I have become much more sensitive to cruelty and violence. Films that I used to enjoy I can't even watch now. Will this last just while my son is young or am I forever changed because I am forever a mother?

The Canary energy is certainly needed. I will focus on hope, "hope automatically brings balance back". I am melancholy today and that is ok. But I can respect this mood and still have hope that tomorrow will be brighter.

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