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  • Writer's pictureBridget

Release Control & Hear the Signs

A painting on the wall in the restaurant Mekong Village on Aurora.

Me earlier today:

“I think I need to declutter my brain. It jumps around, it let’s random things pop in and get stuck, and it spends too much space on some things while not enough on others. Yes. Meditation is supposed to help with this. I should try it (can you meditate in the shower or while nursing?). But I also think changing my daily habits would help too. Creating a system of habits or actions that free my mind. Automation and planning.”

I was thinking I needed to make some ruthless cuts and reorganizing of my daily habits. For example, I spend way too much time thinking about clothing (this part of me is amplified now being home all day). I don’t just joyfully admire the beauty and craftsmanship of my favorite designers, I also use a lot of time deciding on a purchase (like weeks!). I think it is good to deliberate in order to prevent impulse purchases but deliberations can turn into obsession. And that’s no good. Like everything in life, balance is important.

I also have to-dos popping in my head all the time. Even if I can’t or don’t need to do them right in that moment. These thoughts clutter my present. I stress about the future: figuring out having a career or running a business while being a stay at home mom. My brain is constantly trying to figure this out. So I planned to create a daily and weekly schedule for tasks, remove any extra undertakings, cut out unnecessary clothing-related activities (reading articles & blogs, watching runway shows, Instagram, etc) and over all scrub my brain into a peaceful state.

I played Podcast Roulette

Then, in my car before running an errand, I played Podcast Roulette. To play I go to the podcast I want to listen to and scroll really fast through the episodes. And I ask, “what do I need to hear right now?”. Which ever episode my finger lands on is the one I listen to. Today my finger landed on The Marie Manuchehri Show, October 20, 2016 episode.

As I started listening I realized I’ve heard this one before. Even though I was hoping for something new, I kept listening. New messages can be heard in old words especially when listening with a new context and frame of mind. Also I often find it helpful to rehear things. It can take awhile for ideas to ingrain themselves.

This episode is about finding the path of least resistance because this is where you will connect with your intuition, higher self and hear from the universe. She says, “It’s very important to pay attention to the things you love and to use that as research to help you to learn how to get out of the path of the most amount resistance”. Pay attention to what you are saying to yourself. She used the example of her love for beautiful homes. As a girl her parents would always say no to living in "up there" places. But telling yourself no is a path of resistance. And worry is the sign of the path of the MOST resistance. Instead, letting yourself explore possibilities will raise your vibration and put you on the path of the least amount of resistance.

Completely cutting out clothing from my life is resisting something I love and get a lot of joy from. I also think I became obsessive about purchases because of resistance to spend money**. I do not need to completely cut this interest out of my life. I just need to change how I feel towards it and my vibration around it. Jobsessing. I was just now typing the word “obsessing” leading in to obsessing about a career or figuring out a business, when I typo-ed, or my phone half autocorrected, jobsessing. It’s a perfect accidental word creation. Jobsessing = obsessing over getting a perfect job or “finding” a career. And it's what I’ve been doing for the last nine months. So what I was going to say is that I’m not sure what my jobsessing has been in resistance to. But it is an attempt to control. Maybe it is resistance to change my perception of myself? Career or potential career has been tied up in my identity since I was a child. But you are more than what you do. Or maybe it is resistance to being completely in the present. I've been trying to solve a "problem" even though I can't right now. Now is not the time to take action on this.

"I invite the overlighting consciousness of the weaver to be my companion as I search for my true home."

Later in the afternoon I felt the urge to pull a card. I focused on the question, "What do I need to do to be calm and serene?". I pulled the Weaver. This card is about having a home. Not simply a physical home, but a sense of home within yourself. It talks about a "home within a community" and "coming home to your own soul community". Connection with my guides and soul group is definitely something I want.

I laughed when I saw the card I had drawn.

I had only planned on pulling one card. My Sister and mother were pulling three cards, one from each of three decks. When my sister went to pull her second card, I decided to pull one more card. I picked The Spirit Messages Deck by John Holland. I focused on the question, "What do I need to do to connect with my soul group?". I laughed when I saw the card I had drawn. It seemed so obvious and perfect. An answer to my question as well as what I had been thinking about earlier in the day. I drew the card titled "Let Go". It says to stop worrying about the outcome and let Spirit guide you. Also to pay attention to signs and symbols because they are guidance to help you on your path towards your highest good. It also says, "Trust and follow the energy that is guiding you in a new direction". This card is confirmation that the shift I have made since Monday is the right direction.

"Trust in the higher good and guidance of Spirit"

I think everyone should be open and paying attention to signs. Be quiet enough to hear your intuition. And remember to choose the path of least resistance even when that means stepping towards an unclear outcome.

**Why do I need to shop at all? you ask. Well having a baby can really change your body and in unexpected ways. I still do not fit into most of my pre-baby clothes. Also a baby completely changes your lifestyle. So what worked before may not work now as a mom.

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